Friday, January 11, 2008

New Friday Routine

I spent the day today with Mr. H's mom and dad and his mom's sister. It looks like, at least for the next several months, that's where I'll be on Fridays. The Sr. Mr. H has gotten to the point that he needs someone there with him all the time and he's not strong enough to make even short trips to the store. The Sr. Mrs. H lets me keep an eye on him while she goes grocery shopping, bill paying, or whatever else needs to be done.

After an especially difficult day earlier this week, her sister came down to lend a hand. "Aunt Tootie" (as we used to call her) is a lot of fun. She brought with her some pictures of the Sr. Mr. & Mrs. H's wedding and a beautiful enlargement of Sr. Mr. H sitting with a 2 yr old Mr. H in his lap. I love that picture. Sr. Mr. H was in the Navy and stationed in Hawaii at the time. He is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. Then there is the little cotton-top in his lap! Every visitor to the house today commented on that picture.

I am so privileged to be a part of this family. I look to Mr. H's parents to see what true love and commitment really look like. Their "happily ever after" may be drastically different in a few months, but it will never end. It will live on in her and their children and grandchildren, and one day we'll truly all be together in "blessedly ever after." Because of the relationship we all share with our Savior, this life is not the end, but just the gateway to eternity.

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