Saturday, January 5, 2008

It's Still a Small World

I had another "Small World" incident. Thursday morning our pastor had an accident cutting firewood. (if you want the entire story in his own words, complete with pictures, go to his blog). Friday morning, Mr. H and I went down to see the senior Mr. & Mrs. H. When we got there, the hospice nurse was there, checking out Mr. H, Sr. I asked Mrs. H, Sr. if she had heard about Dr. T's accident. As I told the story, the nurse looked at me and said that her husband had responded to that call. He was on duty in the ambulance that came to the rescue! She didn't know the name of the person (because of HIPAA rules), but she recognized the location (Agricola) and the details (the report came in from the injured man on his fire radio.)

I love it when I meet a new person and we have an immediate connection. I think that's the way the world is supposed to be.

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