Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile

I was walking over to the Education Building to put some GA material in the room they use.  That room got me to thinking:  there have been several things that made me smile this morning.

1) There is a room at our church that is officially known as the "Zebra Room." (I just looked for a picture and I don't have one.)

2) The smell of living in George County:  flowers, grass, hay, dirt, even the cows.  (you can tell that no one has fertilized a field lately!)

3) As I was looking through family pictures for one of my mom, I came across this instead:

4) Working with a bunch of folks who love the Lord and enjoy and take pride in their work:  Dr. T, Mark, Dusty, Nick, Mrs. Mac, the Maintenance Guru and the Housekeeper Extraordinaire.

5) a family that enjoys being together (I hope we're always like that)

P.S. If El's face and posture in the picture above don't make you smile, too, then you need to lighten up.

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