Saturday, April 26, 2008

Busy Weekend

It's been a really busy weekend. The vocabulary parade was wonderful. It was so much more fun than the book projects that they've done in the past. Here are a couple of my favorites:





Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words!)

Roller Coaster and her friend, Taste BudsAfter all that fun, we still had more to come. We went to the Mobile BayBears game at Hank Aaron Stadium. They played the Mississippi Braves. The Braves won 10-4. We stayed for the fireworks after the game. We had great seats: behind home plate and up high.

Today we cut the grass at our place and across at the Sr.H property (8 acres in all). These are views of there.

1 comment:

  1. I found out that L's roller coaster earned 3rd place. We didn't know until she found out pictures were going to be taken tomorrow. Woo hoo!
