Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am not a real fan of the transition from daylight savings time back to standard time. When it's dark, I want to be home in my house, not driving home from somewhere else. I do however like to be out when it's not quite dark.

M has band practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 5:00. That puts me driving home at dusk. She likes to call that time of day 'twilight' but it has always been dusk to me.

Dusk is the time when color starts to fade from the world. The trees turn black but the sky still has enough light to make the treeline visible. The world knows that night is coming but the sky doesn't want to admit it. Sometimes, I see something that I want to remember forever. I have to put it into words so I can go back there. This is the trip home yesterday.


No stars;
but the moon
lifts her pale, cool face
above the feathered black treeline
to view the world below
from her place


  1. Nice description.

    But I don't like leaving home in the dark in the mornings so I like this "real" time better.

  2. Why did I not inherit any of your poetic-ness? I could have used it last week.

  3. You did. I read the poetry you wrote in middle school. I bet you are just out of practice.
