Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Give You What You Need - VBS Day 3


Today's story is from Mark2:1-12
Jesus helps a man brought by four friends

Truth learned from today's story:  When we accept God’s promise to give us what we need, we can trust that He knows our needs even better than we do.  We can be content in knowing that He will provide.

Today's memory verse:
Philippians 4:19 And this same God Who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”

God has given us all sorts of things:  hands to do things with, brains to think up ideas, feet to take us where we need to go, friends and families to keep us from being alone.

balloons, strings, straws, tape
That should do it!

race 2 teams
race one kind of string against a different kind.
use different length straws

Offer wool yarn, kitchen twine, and mono-filament. Others?
Several shapes and sizes of balloons.
The straws are cut in half (leftover from bubble day at last year’s VBS.) They can choose to use just one or as many more as they think necessary.

Focus on the teamwork and staying with the plan.  What’s the most important element of the demonstration?  (Hint:  Who had to choose the string and the balloon?  Who had to hold the string?  Who had to blow up the balloon?  Who had to hold it and then release it at the right time?  Who had to tape it to the straws?) A PERSON!!!  People are always more important than things.  Jesus wasn’t concerned about the roof – He was concerned about the 4 men and their friend.  The 4 men had to work together.  If 2 lowered their end of the mat and 2 didn’t, the paralyzed man would have had broken bones and a concussion on top of his other problems.  The 4 men worked as a team to get the job done.  One couldn’t have done it alone.
Our goal as Christians is to be more like Jesus.  If He cared more about people than things and gave them what they needed, we should be the same way.

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