Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Will Save You - VBS Day 4

Today's story is from John 19:16-18, 29, 30; 20:24-31

Jesus dies to save us.

Truth learned from today's story:  John’s Gospel was written to that people might learn about and believe in Christ, and by believing, receive eternal life!  When we accept God’s promise to save us, we can live our lives filled with hope, confident in God’s plan to redeem our broken lives and to bring us to our eternal home in Heaven.

Today's memory verse:
John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

People in the old testament tried to build a tower to get to Heaven.  It didn’t work.

I’ve heard people say that rockets go into the heavens.  If you mean the sky or the atmosphere or just way, way up then that’s right.  But there is only ONE WAY to get to Heaven where God wants us to be.

We’re going to build another rocket today.  Yesterday’s rocket was powered by a physical reaction.  Today’s will be powered by a chemical reaction.

need film canisters
alka-seltzer tablets broken in half
1 teaspoon of water (medicine dropper works really well for this)

You can make a nose-cone by cutting a 3 1/2 inch diameter circle in half and rolling, then taping it into a cone shape.  Cut out fins and attach them at the base (open end) of canister. See if this makes a difference in the flight.  You can make a paper cylinder  with attached nose cone and place it over the canister.  

You can also make a container for hand-held launches

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