Coming home from school last Wednesday, we got caught behind a line of peanut harvesters going a blazing 25 mph. We could only see the last one, but as they were turning the corner at the top of our hill, we saw that there were 5 in the line. Two days later I was on my way to pick up the girls from school and got caught behind the same machines headed out. These machines are 2 lanes wide and there is NO PASSING them on the roads around here. It's just part of living in George County.
This is Grisabela, our glamour cat,
Our eldest was home this weekend. Fall break went through Tuesday. M, our middle daughter, wanted a new picture for her Facebook profile.
The concert was held in the Middle School gym. This year the 6th grade was kept at the local elementary school, so instead of one 6th grade band at the Middle School, there are 5. Mr. Slater, the band director, travels to each one, every day. Last night was the first time they had all been together. I think there were about 120 6th-grade musicians there.
To cap off the musical evening, the high school band played their show for us. The guard did the standing version of their performance.
These last pictures are from the Fire Safety presentation for Mom's Day Out. The little man in the plaid shorts is one of my favorite people.
I saw her, the Bane of My Existence.