Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Allowed!!

When I went to awaken my youngest daughter this morning, this sign was posted on her door.

Apparently she has a problem with one of her sisters leaving food (or at least dirty dishes) in her room and wanted the practice to cease. One (or possibly both) of her sisters decided to add to the list of things not allowed and then the race was on...
P.S. I think the prohibition on "cats running (or runing) for office" is my favorite.
P.S.S. At first I thought that part was written by her oldest sister, but the spelling gave it away! The eldest is a spelling machine!


  1. That's a hoot. Although I'm quite disappointed at no snowmen!

  2. This has to be one of the funniest signs I've seen.

  3. Hilarious!!!

    Susan, there was no mention of flamingos!

    I will have to remember to leave my viking hat at home. Heh.

  4. I wouldn't want a scary alien or a drippy snowman in my room either...but a baton...???

  5. ROTFLOL!!! That is hysterical!!
