Monday, August 25, 2008

Shadows of His Presence

Shadows of His Presence

When my heart is a dry place
and my life like a weary land,
Spread the Shadow of Your great Rock over me.

When my heart longs for the Beloved
and my soul hungers for His fruit,
Splash the Shadow of Your sweet Tree about me.

When my heart fills with fear
and my soul can find no comfort,
Fold the Shadow of Your healing Wings around me.

When my heart is obedient
and my life brings glory to You,
I am held in the Shadow of Your almighty Hand.

Let me dwell in the Secret Place
of the Most High God
and abide under the Shadow
of the Almighty.

November 3, 1998
(based on Isaiah 32:2, Song of Songs 2:3,
Psalm 57:1 & Malachi 4:2, Isaiah 49:2-3, and Psalm 91:1)

I wrote this poem 10 years ago to go with a bible study I was going to teach on Sunday nights. It wasn't an original idea. I read about a poem based on these 4 shadows, but could never find the poem itself. So I wrote my own. Then I fleshed it out to teach over the course of a month. I'll post the study in pieces for the next week or so.

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