Saturday, August 30, 2008
I Love This Man
We were finishing the job of putting a roof on our pump house today. I am ladder challenged. I hate heights and ladders make me dizzy. We were trying to get the plywood sheet to the roof that is about 7 or 8 feet up. I climbed the ladder, but I couldn't let go of it to hold on to the plywood. Instead of fussing or complaining that I was being silly or anything like that, he just said, "Let's change plans." At this point, I don't even remember what the new plan was. But it worked like a charm and didn't involve me on a ladder trying to hold on to something other than the ladder.
Have I mentioned how much I love this man? I wouldn't trade him for anything.
Practicing the Presence
"One way to recollect the mind easily in the time of prayer, and preserve it more in tranquillity, is not to let it wander too far at other times. You should keep it strictly in the presence of God; and being accustomed to think of Him often, you will find it easy to keep your mind calm in the time of prayer, or at least to recall it from its wanderings."
I think this is the most amazing advice because it is so simple. If your mind wanders when you're praying, try concentrating on God even when you're NOT praying. You will get into the practice of being with Him; you will be aware of His presence. If you think of it in human terms, that's we way we operate. I don't have to keep reminding myself that my husband is in the room with me. I'm always aware of him because I value his presence. I want to be with him. It works the same way with God. Our mind will be on what we value. We are on His mind because He values us. How much do we value being with Him?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Life Flight
It happened at the same time that the preschool portion of our Mom's Day Out program lets out.
Generator: check
The reason for the concern is that when the water came up in Ocean Springs 3 years ago, this generator went under water. We rescued it, cleaned it up, flushed it out, and then used it for a day or two. We ended up heading to Dallas for Mr. H to work from there for about a week and a half. By the time we got back, our power was back on. The Sr. H's didn't need it, as they are right on Hwy 90 and are in one of the first areas to get power restored.
The girls and I went to church, leaving him there to check on things. If that one didn't work, he was going to head over to Mobile to see if he could locate a new generator. I figured he'd miss prayer meeting and probably choir practice, too. We were still singing the opening hymn when he came in. He leaned over to me and said, "It started on the first pull!"
I guess we're as ready as we'll ever be.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hurricane Sign
I have it on good authority that he just checked in at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi.
I think we're in for some bad weather.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Shadows: Intro (part 1)
A couple of hours later, both little girls were asleep, L (age 1) across my lap. As I had a chance to reflect, I realized that I had not been afraid during the storm. I had been aware of the wind and rain, but not afraid of it. Was it because I had been under the umbrella of my mother-in-law's prayer? I looked down at L, sleeping in my lap, and recognized that was how I felt during the whole thing. My child wasn't talking to me, or calling me, or pleading with me. She was just laying there in my lap, trusting me to be the mommy and do the things a mommy is supposed to do. She could sleep, trusting me to do what was necessary. That was exactly how I felt: like I was in God's lap, letting Him do what was necessary, since Hurricane Georges was bigger than anything my power could handle.
In the days that followed, I thought a great deal about the Presence of God. I realized that the majority of solos I had sung in church were about the Presence of God. I love patterns. I love to see how things fit together. A week or so later I was looking for a devotional book at a Christian book store in Mobile. That’s not the quiet, thoughtful activity it sounds like. L was screaming because I wouldn’t let her run loose in the store, and M wanted everything “Veggie Tale” that she could see. Amid this chaos, I spotted a book called Joy in Christ’s Presence by Charles Spurgeon. I snatched it up and took my screamers home. Chapter 2 of that book is called “Under His Shadow.” That chapter was inspired by a book of poetry by Frances Ridley Havergal titled Under His Shadow. I was excited by how this fit in with what I had been thinking about.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Shadows of His Presence
Shadows of His Presence
When my heart is a dry place
and my life like a weary land,
Spread the Shadow of Your great Rock over me.
When my heart longs for the Beloved
and my soul hungers for His fruit,
Splash the Shadow of Your sweet Tree about me.
When my heart fills with fear
and my soul can find no comfort,
Fold the Shadow of Your healing Wings around me.
When my heart is obedient
and my life brings glory to You,
I am held in the Shadow of Your almighty Hand.
Let me dwell in the
of the Most High God
and abide under the Shadow
of the Almighty.
November 3, 1998
(based on Isaiah 32:2, Song of Songs 2:3,
Psalm 57:1 & Malachi 4:2, Isaiah 49:2-3, and Psalm 91:1)
I wrote this poem 10 years ago to go with a bible study I was going to teach on Sunday nights. It wasn't an original idea. I read about a poem based on these 4 shadows, but could never find the poem itself. So I wrote my own. Then I fleshed it out to teach over the course of a month. I'll post the study in pieces for the next week or so.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Family Heirloom
Jere is one of those guys that has tried just about everything. I copied this from Lynchburg College's Exhibition Schedule:
Jere Real: 50 Years of Photographs
For thirty years, beginning in 1969, Jere Real was a professor of English and film at Lynchburg College. This was just one of his careers in his life of 74 years, which included the U.S. Air Force, the recording industry, news reporting, and photography. This exhibition of Jere Real's photography covers literary and political figures at Lynchburg College, other literary, entertainment and music figures, and photos of Golden Gloves boxing tournaments. Jere Real did not set out to have his photographs in exhibitions, and only discovered the negatives and photos recently while cleaning his garage.Homecoming Lecture and Reception: Saturday, October 11, 2 p.m.
His photography exhibit was also shown earlier this year at the Lancaster Literary Guild in Lancaster, PA. I have a postcard of the photo of Eudora Welty that appears in the announcement.
You may be wondering how he could loose that much stuff in his garage. This photograph

Monday, August 18, 2008
Twilight Zone
Friday, August 15, 2008
I Knew I Took These Pictures
When the pictures started downloading, I couldn't figure out where all the pictures came from. And then I saw this one
It's not easy to get the scale of the bridge in one photograph, but this was an attempt.
And here is the little pig
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I Was Wrong
A dangling participle usually begins with a verb ending in "-ing", then says something about something else. I got this example from wikipedia: "Walking down Main Street, the trees were beautiful." At first glance, it appears that the trees might have been Ents from Fangorn Forest in Middle Earth. Then you realize that there is an unspoken As I was before the walking and I noticed (or saw or observed) before the trees. I found several places that had good articles. I'm especially fond of grammar humor, so this one caught my attention. This one has links and examples and references.
As for the *rule* about never ending a sentence with a preposition: it is a hold-over from Latin, where the modifier always has to be right with whatever it's modifying. I like this article titled "Will I be Arrested if I End a Sentence with a Preposition?" Back when most schools taught Latin, the idea was that proper English should imitate Latin. Obviously Winston Churchill didn't think so. An editor tried to correct a sentence he had ended with a preposition and Churchill had this comment: "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put." Sometimes, that preposition at the end is just what you need to keep your sentence from being laughed at.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Drifting Down My Stream of Consciousness
....shift to the idea that "fond of" is a dangling participle that should be phrased "of which I am fond"....
....move to something L used to say when she was little: When I gave her something to eat that she didn't really like, noodles for example, she would say, "I'm not fonded of noodles"....
....took me to what my brother's youngest son would say when faced with food he didn't like: I don't love that.....
....I smiled and looked back at the pitcher. It's something that I'm fond of....
Monday, August 11, 2008
30 Years Ago
We got everything up to her room and unpacked and put together. About 1:15 we were hot, sweaty, and hungry. We went to town and ate at Mugshots. It is a great burger place.
Mr. H reminded me that 30 years ago, I had been on the other side of the delivery to campus. In the fall of 1978, my dad took me up to State. I had been to band camp for 6 summers, so I was familiar with the campus, especially the band hall. That's where Dad took me. I was there a week before classes started because I was in the Maroon Band. Dad deposited me and my footlocker in the band hall that morning and then he was gone. I had no idea how I was going to get my stuff to my dorm when it opened later in the day. After our first practice, I was just standing there, looking lost when a knight came to my rescue. An obviously older guy (probably a sophomore!) who was a trombone player, walked over, picked up the foot locker and said "Where to?" I told him "McKee." He walked out the door, put the footlocker in the back of his truck, and held the truck door open for me. I lived on the 3rd floor of McKee, which from the back parking lot was up 3 1/2 flights of stairs (you had to go UP to the basement floor from the back because it was built on a hill). Arlon will always be a hero to me.
Side note: The current director of bands, Elva Kaye Lance, was Elva Kaye Timms (or maybe Thames) at the time. She was a majorette who had been one of my counselors the previous summer at band camp. We had all giggled that she was dating Mr. Lance, a young high school band director in the north east Mississippi area. Why was that so funny back then?
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Cutting Grass Today
well... several pictures.
While I was at it, I took some pictures of Mr. H on his ride.
And then there's my old blue tractor.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Lost & Found
Today, as I was rearranging filing cabinets to make room for my new couch (see below) I needed twist ties or tie wraps to get some cables under control. I was hunting in the kitchen (you never know what you'll find in there: we actually found a bundle of Sunday night offering there 6 months after the date because the ushers couldn't get to the safe and forgot to tell us!!) and there on the top shelf with the clear glass plates and glasses were my and my co-worker's coffee mugs. Both of these mugs hold special places in our hearts.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pa-Pa Ace

The black & white photo was taken in the '40's or '50's. It was probably at his work. He's wearing his suit, as always, and holding his pipe. He looks rather like a gangster here.
My favorite memories of him are at Christmas.

We lost him to a heart attack in 1976, 4 days before my 16th birthday.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Burnt Knees
Why is it that the muscles under sunburned skin hurt? Are the muscles burnt, too? I may have to wear dresses or skirts the rest of the week. Just the thought of having jeans pressed against these knees makes them hurt. Ouch!
Get That Nose!

I just noticed that she is holding on to her cousin with both hands, while M is perched up there with no support. I think the little man was a little more wiggly and she was afraid she'd loose him! This picture is about 13 years old. The babies will have 14th birthdays in October (they are 12 days apart) and the eldest will be 20 in November. Boy, time flies!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Dad 's Rudolph Hatchet

This was a very "crafty" period in my life. I turned the hatchet into Rudolph with brown paper, googly eyes, and twigs from the yard. My dad was appropriately impressed.