Monday, September 1, 2008

What a Long Day!

Today has been one of those endless days. It started early with bad weather that just kept getting worse. We were lucky here in George County: just wind and rain. Nothing like 3 years ago. But hurricane weather keeps you inside, on edge, glued to the news: TV if you have power, radio if you're operating on batteries.

Luckily for us, we didn't lose power or internet access. For a stormy day, that's amazing! As a result, I experienced a first: an e-mail from my uncle. Not the one that paints watercolors, but the one that moved from New Orleans (post-Katrina) to Lancaster, PA. I am so glad that he doesn't live in the city below sea level any more.

The e-mail that I received had a link to the Fulton Theatre's web site. Ed has always been involved in theater. I remember seeing pictures of him in "Brigadoon" on the walls at my grandmother's house as I was growing up. Whenever I get a post card from him on his travels, he mentions the shows he has seen on the trip. It doesn't surprise me at all that he is the writer for Understudy, the theater guide for the Fulton Theatre.

I'm glad this long day is coming to a close.

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